Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modelling

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modelling

Civica provides a wide range of hydraulic and hydrological modelling solutions for natural watercourses, stormwater and wastewater collection systems to allow for a high understanding and enhanced decision-making for the management of water resources and infrastructure asset performance. Our modelling team has expertise in the evaluation, planning and budgeting for new construction and maintenance as well as for operational purposes.

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modelling


Develop strategies to move project forward

Assess Sanitary or Storm Sewer Capacity

Plan for impacts of climate change on critical infrastructure

Plan for future growth and infrastructure needs

Assess Inflow and Infiltration (I/I)

Optimize infrastructure upgrades and plan capital budgets

Optimize Operational Costs & Maintenance

Understand flooding risk before you start planning your projects to save time and money

Plan for the future by developing a comprehensive flood mitigation plan

Civica’s Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modelling Programs

Dual-Drainage Modelling (Major and Minor System)

Flood Analysis Modelling

Sanitary/Combined Sewer Capacity Analysis

Floodplain Analysis

Key Project Case Studies